Ratfolk names typically are more simple than most races, just consisting of rat-like noises or sounds. I constantly survey my surroundings, calculating possible escape routes and plans. I constantly reach into my pocket when anyone is near me, expecting someone to pickpocket me. When I'm lying, my tail swishes in anticipation for their reaction to my ruse. I'm better at cutting a throat than cutting a deal. I involuntarily squeak when I am startled.

You can use the Ratfolk Quirks table to determine a personality quirk for a ratfolk character or to inspire how your character might act. Ratfolk are typically not seen as the most trustworthy by most races, due to their reputation of pickpocketing even those that they invite into their home, however their ability to procure the most expensive items and reagents in the land makes them a necessity for most trade nations to trust.

The leader of a ratfolk society is called the Highwhisker, and they oversee similarly to a king, though the ruler is decided every three years by a contest to see who the best thief in the land is. These three unwritten rules have allowed most ratfolk societies to prosper as places of prosperity, at least for those who live there. Ratfolk society is similar to what one would expect in a more honorable thieves' guild Pickpocket from those who have more than they need, never steal from another from the group, and never travel without an accomplice. So, instead they became merchants, tradesmen, and artisans, giving what other races needed, provided they had the right price. On the surface, the ratfolk did not believe they would be able to fight with the surface-dwellers. However, despite the odds, their excellent fleeing abilities allowed them to survive in the brutal Underdark, until one day, they eventually escaped to the surface. They originated in the depths of the Underdark, a race that would seem to go extinct, for while other races had aggression, brute force, and magic, the ratfolk only had cunning and the ability to flee. Ratfolk have always been a neutral nation, preferring to dabble in commercial affairs compared to militaristic ones. They have a long tail, about half of the height of their body, and small claws, with large teeth. Their eyes can be brown, red, white, or black. They have either sleek or rough fur, which can be white, black, grey, or, rarely, green. Ratfolk are very small humanoids, with the absolute tallest of their race being just about 4 feet tall, and the heaviest about 80 or 90 pounds. Ode of the Whiskers & Claws Ratfolk Merchantry Guild Physical Description "One who flees lives another day, one who speaks kindly receives more pay, and for those who swindle the best, fortune does not look far away."